Greetings. This coming Sunday I will be speaking once again down at Baguio Gold and would covet your prayers. I have been asked to speak twice on Sunday morning. First in Chapter 4 of Genesis, and then I will be sharing from a wonderful trilogy of Psalms; Psalms 22,23 and 24. Then we will be joining the saints from Navy Base in our weekly visit with the assembly in Fatima.
Pray for the new outreaches from the Navy Base assembly. There is door to door evangelism going on in the neighborhood surrounding the chapel building and it is already bearing fruit as one lady has committed her life to Christ and attended the assembly meeting last Lord’s day. The young people are out sharing the gospel, and the ladies group goes out once a month into the homes of neighbors to share. This along with the various home bible studies are the avenues being used to get the gospel out. Those of the assembly are doing a wonderful job. The word is being sown, it is being watered and we are trusting in the Lord to bring the increase.
This coming Tuesday Joyce and I will be making our first trip up the Mountain Trail to Sagada. Our desire this trip is just to scout things out, as it were. The contact that I thought we had there is no longer living in Sagada so we are going in not really knowing anyone, so it will take a few visits before people become familiar with us. Mike and Bev Smits have given us good counsel, and we will be taking things slowly and asking the Lord to open doors for us. We would appreciate your prayers for safety and His direction.
We spent a couple of days this past week down in Manila. It was good to visit with the saints at San Juan on this past Lord’s Day. It was quite an enjoyable time to see them all again. One of the brothers has asked me to consider taking a trip with him to Palawan to visit with the saints there, so please pray with me for direction.