Ken and Joyce Hardisty have served as missionaries in the Philippines since 1987. Serving in Baguio in the Central Luzon mountains, they have been involved with teaching and discipleship in several assemblies. They will be working as itinerant workers in the United States beginning in the Spring of 2015 and covet your prayers in this new season of ministry.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
September 2 - Ministry in Angono, Baptism in Cogeo
Greetings to you all once again. It was such a joy to spend this morning among two groups of saints. I spoke this morning in Angono, Rizal and finished up a series of messages. I trust the Lord will use them for His glory and for the edification of the saints. Following that meeting we quickly drove over to Cogeo for a baptism and to celebrate their 24th anniversary. I had the joy of baptizing seven, a older husband and wife, who just recently accepted the Lord as their Savior. As a result of their conversion and testimony now their entire family have come to Christ, even their daughter in law now is a believer. What a joy to see. Then I had the joy of baptizing some younger believers, some whom I have know since they were babies....and now they have matured into nice young Christian men and women. It was such a time of blessing for me personally. Rejoice with me!!!