Greeting, once again, to you all. I know it has been a long time since the last update, but we have once again returned to our home in Baguio. It is good to be home. We are finally caught up on our sleep and getting back into the regular routine.
It was great to see the saints at Navy Base this past week. They are all doing well, for which we thank the Lord. I shared with them on Wednesday night about our travels and the many greetings that came their way from the saints in the States. Saturday I very much enjoyed being at a new bible study up in the old Navy Base, from which the chapel derived its name. One of the old couples from the assembly are now having a study in their home. This past week there were about 15 in attendance, for which we praise the Lord. This coming week I will also join the saints at another new study in town. Both of these studies are reaching out to several who still have not trusted Christ as savior, mostly family members of believers, so please keep these studies in your prayers that we might see some coming to Christ.
Yesterday, the Lord’s Day, I had the opportunity to speak to the assembly at Navy Base. Our texts came from John 14:1-2, Eph 6:10-11 and Psalm 93. I have begun a new Sunday morning series on the armor of the Lord, and this served as an introduction to that topic.
We will begin our next bible school sessions on Sept 13th. They will run several consecutive Sunday afternoons. Our topic will be the church. We are so looking forward to teaching this most important subject. Please be praying that many will come out, especially those who have had questions in the past concerning different aspects of the meetings of the local church.
Thank you all once again for your prayers and support of the Lord’s work among us. We are looking forward to what the Lord will be doing in these next months.