Greetings to you all once again. We thank the Lord for a very encouraging time in the Carolinas and Georgia. We left Chicago on the 5th of January and our first stop was in the mountains of West Virginia, at Hinton. The work of the Lord there has a wonderful history, which Harry Pilkington shared with us. From that little assembly in the mountains of West Virginia over 50 have gone out, over the years, into the Lord’s work full time, in missions or work here at home. What a testimony to the faithfulness of the Lord! It was a blessing to get to know some of the dear saints there, and to be so welcomed into their homes.
From there we were off to South Carolina. We stayed with Joyce’s brother Dale and his wife Lois while in that area, and we thank them for their warm hospitality to us. During our stay we were enabled by the Lord to share at the assembly of the Lord’s people in Winston Salem, where we were blessed to visit briefly with Jason and Angela Beverly who once served the Lord in Russia, and are now serving Him with Child Evangelism Fellowship. It is always good to see His people going on for His glory, serving as He directs.
While in South Carolina we were blessed as well by being able to fellowship with the saints at the assembly at Charlotte, where Rex and Nancy Trogdon are currently laboring for our Lord. What a lovely assembly of the Lord’s people. It was a blessing to be with them, at Believers Bible Chapel.
During our stay in South Carolina we were also able to travel over to Greenville and spend some time with our dear friends Joe and Ramona Marquez, missionaries to Paraguay. It was a blessing to my soul to be able to spend some time in the word with Joe, he, as always, challenged my heart with his love for the Savior. It was good to catch up with what the Lord is doing in their lives. During our time with them we were given the opportunity to share of the Lord’s work in the Philippines with the saints at Overbrook Gospel Chapel. After the meeting we spend a couple of hours over the home of Paul and Carol Bramsen, missionaries to Senegal, along with the Joe and Ramona as well as several students from Bob Jones. It was an encouraging evening to hear of what the Lord is doing in the lives of each. Paul’s new book should be hitting the presses soon. It is another work on Islam which we are praying will be used of the Lord to the saving of precious souls.
Following our time in the Charlotte we traveled over to the west side of the state to North Augusta. There we stayed with Klaas and Francis Vietje. What a wonderful couple. It was such a blessing to be so warmly and lovingly cared for by these dear saints. We cannot thank them enough for their hospitality to us. While there we spoke at a missions conference in Augusta GA which was held at Bethany Bible Chapel. On the Lord’s day I was privileged to once again speak at Bethany. The saints, as in every place we go, warmed our hearts and made us feel welcomed as their own. On Tuesday we had the wonderful blessing of spending time North of Atlanta with John and Helen Best, and their son Nathaniel. It was good to see them again. The assembly which that evening met in their home, was an encouragement to our hearts. Special thanks to John and his dear wife for the warmth of their hospitality to us.
The following day we were in Lincolnton GA for an evening meeting, again we were welcomed and encouraged by the saints in fellowship there. Just before the meeting we had dinner with a lovely family. I look forward to the Lord giving us another opportunity to meet with that family so that I can witness their maturing in the things of the Lord.
We left the Carolinas on Thursday the 25th of January and arrived in Florida at Park of the Palms that afternoon. It was good to see the Dan Bursons again. What a wonderful work is being done by our Lord at Park of the Palms. The improvements made since the last time we were there are truly amazing. That evening we shared the slides of the work in the Philippines. Mr Muchmore, a former missionary to Africa, much encouraged me following the meeting as he stood in the aisle talked with me. I am thankful to the Lord for those few minutes he gave to encourage my soul.
We have now settled into Joyce’s parent’s home for the next month. It felt good to finally unpack. We spent the last two Sundays at Hiawassa Bible Chapel in Orlando, where I was given the opportunity to speak both mornings, and to share the slide of the Lord’s work in the Philippines on the second Sunday evening. Hiawassa is one of our commending assemblies and it was so good to be with “the family” again.
We also enjoyed an evening over near New Port Richey on the Gulf Coast this past week at the assembly in Holiday. They graciously opened up the apartment at the chapel for us to spend the night, and encouraged us in the Lord.
I know in the course of this long update I have used the words “blessed” and “encouraged” over and over. It is the genuine way that I feel as we travel around. To my heart they are not worn out words but experience from the hand of our wonderful Lord.
Thank you all for your prayers. He is faithful and we will not forget your labor of love….