I thought it was time for another update to keep you informed as to our whereabouts and doings these last weeks. We have continued busy speaking in assemblies in the NJ area.
Wednesday night we were at Terrill Road Bible Chapel in New Jersey. They had a dinner for us, then a good missionary centered meeting that followed. We showed the slides and had a good time of interaction. It was such a blessing and encouragement to our hearts. Then on Saturday evening we met with a group of believers in West Nyack NY. The meeting was in the home of one of the believers and there were about 16 families represented with children and all. What a wonderful time of fellowship. We were so welcomed and taken care of. We had refreshments before the meeting and then a meal afterwards. We were able to share with them from the Word and then show some pictures of the work in the Philippines. There were so many good questions afterwards, and the children entered in as readily as the adults both in the study as well as in the questions following the presentation regarding the Philippines.
Wednesday night we were at Terrill Road Bible Chapel in New Jersey. They had a dinner for us, then a good missionary centered meeting that followed. We showed the slides and had a good time of interaction. It was such a blessing and encouragement to our hearts. Then on Saturday evening we met with a group of believers in West Nyack NY. The meeting was in the home of one of the believers and there were about 16 families represented with children and all. What a wonderful time of fellowship. We were so welcomed and taken care of. We had refreshments before the meeting and then a meal afterwards. We were able to share with them from the Word and then show some pictures of the work in the Philippines. There were so many good questions afterwards, and the children entered in as readily as the adults both in the study as well as in the questions following the presentation regarding the Philippines.
This past Lord's day we were priviledged to worship together with the saints meeting unto the name of the Lord in Brooklyn, at Evergreen Gospel Chapel. It is a bi-lingual meeting and I spoke through a translator following the breaking of bread, then also was able to teach the English Sunday School Class. They had a dinner following for us and our friends as well. It was such an encouragment to see our brothers and sisters from Pine Bush Bible camp again where we had spent a few summers working at their inner city week.
We have a meeting this evening in Hamilton NJ (Sept. 27th) and then on Sunday we will be traveling up to Connecticut where we will be having meetings each Sunday during the month of October.
Thanks so much for your prayers. Please keep praying as the Lord prepares our hearts and minds for our return to the Philippines. He is teaching us much these weeks! Ken and Joyce